Why You Need a Residential Locksmith


Why You Need a Residential Locksmith

Residential locksmith deal with many issues related to doors, locks and keys in homes. They are well-versed in the latest home security solutions and

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Residential locksmith deal with many issues related to doors, locks and keys in homes. They are well-versed in the latest home security solutions and can recommend which ones are best for your household.

A residential locksmith is also a good option if your key breaks off in the lock or gets stuck. This can happen due to normal use or metal fatigue over time.

Losing Your Keys

If you’ve lost your keys, there is no time to waste. You need to call a locksmith as soon as possible to ensure your home is safe and secure. They’ll work to recover your keys without causing any damage to your doors or locks.

A residential locksmith can also help you install new locks and upgrade your existing ones if necessary. They know the different types and models of locks that work best with different doors and entryways, and they can advise you on what kind to buy based on your unique security needs. They can also rekey your current locks to make sure you’re the only one with access. The last thing you want is for burglars to have an easy way into your home.

Breaking Keys

When a key breaks in the lock it can be a real headache. In this situation, you’ll want to contact a residential locksmith.

If the broken portion is large enough to grab with pliers, you can try to extract it yourself (as long as you don’t mind destroying your lock). A paperclip also works well – just slip the end under the bottom of the broken section to leverage it out of the lock.

A professional residential locksmith can install new locks or upgrade your current ones if you’re thinking of getting a safer form of entry such as an access control system. These systems eliminate the need for keys altogether and can be much more secure against break-ins. They also work in conjunction with your existing doors and windows.

Moving Into a New Home

If you have recently moved into a new home, it is a good idea to change the locks right away. The builder and other contractors may have access to the keys and could potentially be able to enter your house at any time.

You should also consider getting a few spare keys made by a locksmith. This is an easy and inexpensive process that can prevent you from losing your keys or being locked out of your house.

A residential locksmith is trained to work with a variety of lock systems and understands the security standards required for homeowners. This allows them to recommend the best form of security for your home. They can install home safes, door and window locks, gate locks, as well as alarm systems.

Damaged Door Locks

Door lock problems are something that every property owner encounters from time to time. Whether they’re caused by the elements, improper use or internal breakage, these problems can be dangerous to your home and can leave you at risk of being intruded upon.

It’s best to have these issues taken care of by a residential locksmith rather than trying to fix them yourself. A locksmith will know how to properly assess the damage and find a solution that works for your home. For example, if your lock has become jammed as the result of a buildup of dirt, they can remove it and then lubricate the area so that it functions again. They will only use the correct lubricant, like graphite or WD-40, as using the wrong one could harm your lock.