Choosing the Right Hot Tub Parts


Choosing the Right Hot Tub Parts

Using the right parts is essential to ensure your hot tub remains safe and functional. You will also want to keep your warranty intact by only using g

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Using the right parts is essential to ensure your hot tub remains safe and functional. You will also want to keep your warranty intact by only using genuine parts and accessories.

Shells: The shell of your hot tub is built to keep the water contained and insulated. It can be made from acrylic, vinyl, fiberglass or-for in-ground models-poured concrete.


The pumps are the heart of your Hot Tub Parts, circulating the water non-stop in a slow controlled motion that heats it and chemically treats it. They are also what drives your jets when you push the button for them.

When a pump has seized it’s generally because it’s worn out and the bearings are wearing out, or there is trapped debris or objects inside that have caused the seals to wear out creating a leak. The solution is to replace the pump.

Circulation pumps can be identified by checking the AMPS listed in your owners manual or on the side of the pump itself. You can also determine the if your pump is 1 or 2 speed by looking at the number of wires in the power cable – it should have two wires for 110-120V and four for 220-240V.

To replace your old pump first flip the breaker, then turn on your Hot Tub, open the cabinet and close the gate valves so no water escapes while you’re working on it. It’s always a good idea to put down some towels or a Shop-Vac just in case!


Filters are arguably the most important part of any hot tub system. They are, in many ways, the main arteries of the system – without them your tub would be clogged with debris and not work.

They play a critical role alongside your sanitiser (chlorine or bromine) to keep water clean, fresh and safe. If filters are left dirty they can cause strain on your heater, pumps and sensors as well as lead to inefficient sanitisation (using too much chlorine or bromine).

The majority of filters are cartridges made of a pleated polyester media that filters the water by trapping debris and allowing only pure water through. They are also designed for ease of cleaning and maintenance by allowing you to remove and rinse them quickly.

It is recommended that you rinse your filter quickly weekly using a garden hose to remove any large debris and that you thoroughly clean them each month with instant filter cleaner spray. A dealer-recommended cleaning schedule will include monthly inspections, a deep cleaning and spa draining at least once per year (depending on usage). You can also choose to soak your filters in a hot tub filter cleaner solution for a deeper clean.


The Hot Tub heater is the heart of the system that heats your water. If your water isn’t hot or the temperature is fluctuating then there could be a problem with the heating element. Like your home hot water heater, the elements can burn out due to corrosion or just regular wear and tear over time. Changing the heater element is easier than you might think. You simply disconnect any power leading to it, locate the heating assembly inside your Hot Tub cabinet and remove it.

If the temperature is fluctuating it may be a sign that the thermostat or heat sensors are going bad. Changing these is also an easy fix on modern control packs.

For an alternative to the traditional heater, check out this Raypak EcoSmart Electric 11-Kilowatt Heater. It operates at 240 volts and features a digital thermostat control with an activation flow of 10 gallons per minute. It’s designed to give easy access to internal controls for maintenance and repairs, and comes with a one-year warranty. It’s a great choice for hot tubs and pools.


The jets of a hot tub are a key component to the soothing massage that helps relieve aches and pains caused by fibromyalgia, arthritis and other conditions. They also provide relief from everyday stresses like work and family.

The best hot tub jets are those that are able to create the ultimate moving massage experience. This is accomplished by utilizing a unique technology called the Venturi effect. As water and air move through the jet’s pipes they begin to slow down until they reach the tapered nozzle tip. At this point the water-air mix accelerates due to a reduced pipe size and is pressurized as it flows out of the nozzle.

Marquis offers a wide range of jet styles and sizes. The jets are carefully selected and placed to ensure optimal hydrotherapy for every body type. For example, Vector21 Series hot tubs feature interchangeable Jetpod inserts to fine-tune your hydromassage and Crown Collection models use H.O.T. Zones to address specific therapeutic needs. Each configuration focuses on using different jet sizes to target common tension points and large muscle groups while providing a softer feel for sensitive areas.


Much like a human heart, the hot tub pump is responsible for pulling in water, moving it through the filtration system and pushing clean, warm water back to your tub. Without a properly functioning pump, nothing else functions correctly.

Aside from the skimmer and floor drain, which converge to form the suction line, the rest of your system is made up of manifolds, PVC tubes and jets or hydrojets. The manifolds split the returning flow of your filtered water and deliver it to each individual jet or nozzle. These are often made of flexible PVC to easily wrap around the peaks and valleys of your tub’s design.

Aside from the power cable that connects your heater to your pump, the rest of your equipment is tucked into the inside of the shell along with insulation and high-density polyurethane foam. This makes the equipment area very difficult to access when a problem arises. For this reason many people choose to have a topside control installed and hard-wired so it can be used while enjoying the hot tub.